Pet Dental Diseases

Pets, like humans, can develop dental problems as they age. When your pet gets older, it may experience issues such as bleeding gums, broken or discolored teeth, loose teeth, or periodontal disease. By taking care of your pet's teeth from a young age, you can help prevent dental diseases and maintain their oral health. At the Lynnwood Animal Hospital, we offer a range of dental services for dogs and cats to ensure their teeth and gums remain healthy and strong. Here's what you need to know about pet prophylactic dental care 

pet dental diseases

Common Pet Dental Diseases

Pets can suffer from many of the same dental problems as humans, often due to a lack of oral care. With professional dental exams and cleanings, as well as home dental care, you can avoid many of these painful dental issues, including:

    • Gingivitis
    • Periodontal disease
    • Oral tumors
    • Tooth infections/abscessed teeth
    • Tooth resorption
    • Fractured teeth
    • Discolored/loose teeth

One of the most significant threats to your pet's dental health is periodontal disease, which is caused by plaque and tartar buildup on their teeth. If left untreated, this infection can severely damage your pet's gums, leading to swelling, bleeding, recession, and lack of appetite. Periodontal disease can also weaken the bone structure of their teeth, causing them to become loose and eventually fall out. If not addressed, the infection can enter their bloodstream and pose a risk to their internal organs. The good news is that diligent dental care can treat periodontal disease and save your pet's teeth.

How to Prevent Pet Dental Diseases

Professional dental care, including routine dental exams and cleanings, is one of the most effective ways to prevent pet dental diseases. Your  veterinarian will carefully examine your pet's mouth, gums, and teeth for signs of infection and disease. Dental x-rays can be taken to identify hidden dental issues. The teeth will then be scaled and polished, removing plaque and tartar both above and below the gumline and leaving the tooth surfaces smooth and shiny. Your pet has to be under anesthesia during these procedures to ensure their comfort and minimize any pain.

In addition to professional cleanings, your vet recommends regularly brushing your pet's teeth at home to control plaque buildup. Dental chews, treats, and water additives can also help maintain your pet's dental health and keep their teeth bright and healthy. Caring for your pet's teeth is an essential part of their overall veterinary care.

Visit Our Veterinarians in Lynnwood, WA

To schedule a dental exam or cleaning for your furry friend, please contact Lynnwood Animal Hospital at 425-771-6300. We are dedicated to meeting your pet's veterinary needs and look forward to serving you and your pet.

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